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Preventive care

Easter Candy: The best and worst for your teeth


Easter Candy: The best and worst for your teeth

Many will be celebrating Easter this coming weekend and with it comes an abundance of candy. Easter poses a problem to your teeth, but there are some choices that you can make that may make the holiday a bit less of an issue when it comes to tooth decay.  Here are some types of candy that you may encounter this Easter. 


I have a cavity? But I don't feel anything...


I have a cavity? But I don't feel anything...

Patients are often surprised to find out that they have a cavity. I've been in that position myself, and understand the disbelief! When showing a patient their cavity on our HD screens, we often hear "but it doesn't hurt”. While cavities can lead to tooth aches, they rarely do.


Kicking the Tobacco Habit is Good for Your Mouth


Kicking the Tobacco Habit is Good for Your Mouth

While the current percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes is the lowest it’s been in decades, those who continue the habit remain at risk for heart and lung disease. Additionally, while we know smoking is also bad for our oral health, most don’t understand just how bad it is…


Do I Really Need a Night Guard?


Do I Really Need a Night Guard?

Night guards, or occlusal guards as they are called, are made to protect more than your teeth. Your teeth are a part of a very complex system that is designed for mashing food, and the components of this system will break down over time. There are many reasons that your dentist might consider an occlusal guard as a treatment option for you.  Here are some of the problems we are trying to alleviate with this therapy...
