5 Reasons That Professional Teeth Whitening is a Better Option

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5 Reasons That Professional Teeth Whitening is a Better Option

Many people are looking for that “Hollywood Smile”, and we’ve found that “Teeth Whitening” is one of the terms most commonly searched for on Google when it comes to dentistry. There are so many products of different quality and cost on the market and it can be confusing. The professionals at CrossKeys Dental can help you safely brighten your smile by many shades in just a few days. Here are 5 reasons that professional whitening is the right choice for your smile...

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Why Does My Dentist Shake My Cheek? The Painless Injection Technique.

Why Does My Dentist Shake My Cheek? The Painless Injection Technique.

At CrossKeys Dental we realize that one of the most common causes of anxiety in the dentist’s office is the process of getting numb. Comfort is the most important goal in my chair, and keeping the patient from feeling the work is at the top of the list, but the tools we use to keep you comfortable may make you feel uneasy.  In fact, I’ll try not to use the “N” word in this article as it might make a few of you shudder…

Doesn't everyone eventually loose their teeth?

Doesn't everyone eventually loose their teeth?

If you've ever considered the prospect of living without teeth as you age, it's probably caused you considerable amount of distress just thinking about it. Multiple tooth loss can indeed be traumatic and costly, and, for some, the remedies are less than ideal. That said, you'll be pleased to know that aging itself isn't much of a contributor to tooth loss, and that many people live their entire lives with nearly all of their natural teeth intact. So what's the best way to ensure you're among this coveted group?...

What You Need to Know About Dental X-Rays

What You Need to Know About Dental X-Rays

Most of you have already experienced the new state of the art imaging systems we employ in our practice at CrossKeys Dental in Fairport, NY. Many of us are old enough to remember having the dental staff put little film packets in our mouth and take pictures that the dentist would look at to detect cavities and other problems. From those tiny films, the diagnosis and treatment decisions were decided upon. Now, the images are displayed on a huge monitor where we can all see them together and share in the decisions. That alone is worth the change from film to digital systems, but there is much more...

5 Things You Need to Know About Dental Cavities


5 Things You Need to Know About Dental Cavities

Where do we find them? Where do they come from and how can they be prevented?

Your dentist calls them dental caries and we spend our careers trying to stop them from spreading. Think about it: have you ever been to a visit with the dentist without them and the hygienist reviewing proper oral hygiene. It's the sound of a constant drumbeat - brush twice a day for 2 minutes... make sure you floss daily… do you use a fluoride rinse?… and on and on and on. I often joke with my patients that we must be the only professionals that are trying to put ourselves out of business!

Let's face it, most of us have had at least one cavity, even those that heed our warning and follow a good home-care regimen, but following your dentist's recommendations will vastly reduce your risk and keep us from having to pick up our drill.

Here are 5 facts about cavities that you may not have known: ...


Are Brushing Habits Learned as a Child Wearing Away Your Enamel?


Are Brushing Habits Learned as a Child Wearing Away Your Enamel?

Back’n’forth, back’n’forth – scrubba’ scrubba’ scrubba! Get those teeth clean! Yes, get ‘em clean … but, if your child’s method of brushing more resembles a lumberjack sawing trees in half than it does a gentle massage, they might be in for a lifetime of sensitive teeth, bonding treatments and receding gums. With this in mind, we thought we’d offer our top five tips for avoiding enamel loss when brushing...